Tuesday, February 28, 2012


With spring just around the corner I have decided it's time to loose some weight and get in shape.

 March is the perfect time of year to think about getting ready for the nice weather and I am  excited and motivated to succeed.


1.  Follow an old 2005 Weight Watchers book.  (I am 20 lbs heavier)   WOW that's bad!!!!!

2.  Exercise with my Wii Fit Plus


1.   Loose the 20 lbs that I gained in 7 years

2.   Have more energy to garden and work my beehives.

Now that I have put this on my blog I better DO IT!!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


My granddaughter is in trouble for scattering labels all over her house.  Her mother has been finding them stuck to the furniture,floor,walls etc.
Not all labels, only the Made in China  ones!  Oh No.....this means trouble.

Apparently I am to blame.  It seems that she has watched me checking almost everything I pick up and making a negative comment about where they come from.
She is removing the stickers from her toys and taking care of the problem her way.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Woke up this morning and remembered that it is preparation day for my colonoscopy.  YUK
 I love to eat, so thinking of clear fluids and jello all day is rather depressing.
This week is very busy for me,not good busy.....yucky busy.

  Monday I went to the dentist,I don't know about you but I feel weird after most dentist appointments. My first clue was that the salegirl in Home hardware made fun of me because I had buttoned my coat crooked (just like I did when I was a kid) Now that's not a good sign when you are an old girl like me!What will I be doing at 70 or 80 (wishful thinking)

Tuesday talked to my mother for 1 hour about bra fitting...that was loads of fun. Talked with my babysister Carol (aprox 2 hours) about blogging and changed my whole look. She did most of it cause I really don't have a clue.

Wednesday  I figured I better read my PREP SHEET from the doctor...It goes like this
Drink only clear fluids the entire day
8 AM take 2 laxatives
3 PM take 2 laxatives
5PM-9PM drink 4 litres of Peglyte
Then I hear I must be close to a bathroom because I'm told I'II be there for awhile.  Sounds like fun!

Thursday is THE BIG DAY arrive at hospital for 12:00 (must be for lunch)
then the COLONOSCOPY,recovery for about 1 hour (I hear that you toot aka pass gas very loudly)
then it's time to go home.

Friday I hope nothing happens as I plan to eat all day!


"Look up, laugh loud, talk big,
keep colour in your cheeks and fire in your eye,
adorn your person, maintain your health, your beauty and your animal spirit."
William Hazlitt