Friday, January 25, 2013


I haven't  blogged since Aug because  I have been running the roads of Bracebridge and surrounding areas.  It's not because I have places to go it's because I after 60 years I CAN!
  On September 13th and about two thousand dollars worth of  driving lessons I passed my driving test.  My family and friends are proud of me and I don't have to rely on others for rides here and there.

Winter driving is a little scary but I'm doing pretty good for an old girl!

The plow just went past so off I go.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!!!!!!! That is SO AWESOME! Most people who last 60 years without a licence never bother and don't figure they can. So GOOD ON YOU!!!!!! And nice to see you blogging again!



"Look up, laugh loud, talk big,
keep colour in your cheeks and fire in your eye,
adorn your person, maintain your health, your beauty and your animal spirit."
William Hazlitt